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Why Is SEO an Ongoing Service?

May 8, 2015

Why is SEO an ongoing service? My site is already optimized.  This is a question we hear from time to time, and even though it isn't frequently asked, it's an important one to address because the most vital aspect of your website shouldn't make you feel like you're getting swindled. It's not a dumb question by any means to wonder why you can't just set up your SEO and let it go. Theoretically, you could. And it would work fine for a little while. Just like the carpeted bathroom and sponge painting in your 1990s bathroom was trendy for awhile. But interior design trends change, and SEO trends change even faster. For instance, over a span of 10 months in 2014, Google updated its algorithm 15 times. That's 15 times that SEO experts had to reconsider and tweak various aspects of their website's optimization to ensure that it remained competitive in Google's rankings. 

As a builder, your homes are set-up-and-go products. Once you've built it and the warranty period has passed, your role in your homebuyer's life is pretty much over until they might buy another house from you. Our SEO product doesn't work like that. Imagine if you were the only one who was able to make any updates to the homes you build, and your homebuyer expected to be able to live in one of your homes for 20 years and sell it for a tidy profit without ever making a single update to the interior or exterior. How likely would it be that their expectations could be met without any help from you? This is how we think about SEO. Your site is optimized for a specific point in time, but change happens quickly. 

Six months in the world of SEO can be equivalent to 10 or 20 years in the world of home design. Some updates from Google won't apply to your website. Others will make or break your search rankings. We watch these trends, we pay attention to the industry rumors that come out months before Google makes an official update. We watch your analytics data, we look for curious drops or increases in your traffic and rankings. We make updates to maintain or grow your site's SEO visibility. In our initial conversations with new SEO clients, we ask you to name a few of your competitors. This is so we know who to keep an eye on in the search engine rankings. If all of a sudden your competitor starts ranking high for keywords you used to rank for, we're going to figure out why. This is arguably one of the top reasons to have an ongoing SEO consultant for your website. 

Don't just take our word for it, though. Read what others in online marketing have to say about the importance of ongoing SEO: The Importance of Ongoing SEOSEO Is an Ongoing ProcessSEO Is a Journey, Not a Destination

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